Paper Kite Bird Craft for Kids (Template Included)

Kites and eagles both belong to the Accipitridae family, which can be confusing for kids to distinguish.

To help clear up this confusion, I decided to engage them in a craft activity by making a paper kite.

Crafting this paper kite, resembling the structure of a kite bird, turned out to be an exciting project.

Paper Kite Bird Craft for Kids (Completed-project)

It proved to be a fantastic way to keep kids entertained over the weekend.

Below, I’ve outlined the step-by-step instructions for this paper kite bird craft for kids, complete with images.

So, gather your basic craft supplies and get ready to involve the younger ones in this fun activity.

Step 1: The Making of Paper Kite Template (Optional)

Step 1 - The Making of Paper Kite Template (Optional)

First, let me guide you through making the paper kite template, though it’s optional if you’re downloading it directly.

Start by sketching the shapes needed for the kite’s structure.

Once they’re just right, trace over them with a black marker for a neat finish.

Feel free to design your own shapes for a personalized touch.

Otherwise, you can skip to the next step to download and use the premade template.

Step 2: Download The Paper Kite Template

Step 2 - Download The Paper Kite Template

I’ve uploaded the paper kite template on my blog, and you can see what it looks like in the image above.

Feel free to download and print it with just a few clicks, then proceed to cut out the shapes and start assembling.

The template comes in two forms i.e. one with outlined shapes for the kite’s structure as a blank template, and the other is colorful, making it easier for you to print, cut and assemble directly.

Step 3: Cutting the Desired Shapes

Step 3 - Cutting the Desired Shapes

If you’re working with the blank template featuring outlines, it’s time to cut out the shapes of the paper kite on colorful sheets, as shown in image 3.2 above.

Feel free to use similar color shades to mine or customize it with your favorite colors.

Alternatively, to save time and effort, you can print and cut the shapes using the template already filled with color shades, as demonstrated in image 3.2 above.

This option is especially helpful if you’re working with a group of children on this craft project.

You can print multiple copies of the colorful template and distribute them to the kids for cutting and assembling the shapes.

Step 4: The Assembling of the Shapes

Step 4 - The Assembling of the Shapes

Now that the cutouts are prepared, it’s time to align the shapes precisely to assemble the kite’s structure flawlessly.

I began by using the kite’s body structure cutout as the foundation of the craft and attached its beak and claws.

Kites are known for their sharp talons and hooked beaks, which aid in hunting prey, so I carefully aligned and attached the legs (claws) to match its anatomy.

Then, I secured the beak shape in position, completing the hunting tools of the paper kite.

Step 5: Shade the Eye and Assemble the Wings

Step 5 - Shade the Eye and Assemble the Wings

To add shading to the eye and eyebrow of the paper kite, I utilized a black marker pen, as shown in image 5.1 above.

Next, I aligned the wing shapes and affixed them in their designated spots.

Starting with the partially hidden wings from the back and left of the kite’s body structure, I carefully attached them.

Then, I positioned the dark brown wing over the long black feathers of the kite before securing the final structure onto the kite’s body.

Step 6: Sticking the Tail Feathers

Step 6 - Sticking the Tail Feathers

We’ve reached the final step of the paper kite craft, which involves assembling the kite’s tail.

I aligned it and affixed it to the back of the structure, extending to the base of the kite’s body.

Step 7: The final Shape

Paper Kite Bird Craft for Kids Completed project

In the final image above, the paper kite craft is complete and appears poised to hunt its favorite prey.

Facts about Kite for kids (Use it as learning while crafting):

  • Kites are widely recognized for their remarkable flying prowess, reaching speeds of approximately 60 miles per hour.
  • Kites belong to the carnivorous category and mainly prey on small mammals, birds, and insects.
  • To hunt, they rely on sharp talons and hooked beaks as their tools to capture prey.
  • One of the most interesting facts about kites is that they are among the few bird species that can hover in mid-air, which allows them to spot their prey from a higher vantage point. Isn’t it amazing?
  • They have the ability to soar and glide effortlessly for long periods of time, using thermals and updrafts to stay aloft which adds to their unique characteristics.
  • With excellent eyesight, Kites can spot their prey from great distances.
  • Unfortunately Kite birds face threats such as habitat loss and pollution despite being the best skilled hunters. Hence, conservation efforts are quite crucial in preserving these magnificent species.

Video Walkthrough of paper kite craft for kids

Final Thoughts

Crafting a paper kite bird with kids is not only a fun-filled activity but also an educational journey that fosters creativity and learning. 

While following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this article, encourage children to explore their creativity by adding their own unique touches to the paper kite.

Whether it’s experimenting with different colors or adding embellishments, this activity provides a platform for self-expression.

Use the craft as an opportunity to expand children’s knowledge about kite birds and their fascinating characteristics

Lastly, Remember to prioritize safety throughout the crafting process. Ensure that children are supervised, especially when using scissors and other sharp objects.

Note: For your reference I have also uploaded the complete video tutorial of the Paper Kite craft on our official YouTube channel.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to craft the paper Kite Bird?

It will take about 10 minutes of your time to craft this amazing paper Kite using the ready template from our website.

Are there any age restrictions for participating in this craft activity?

This paper kite craft is suitable for children of all ages, with adult supervision recommended for younger children when using scissors and other sharp objects.

Can I share the paper kite template with others?

Feel free to share the paper kite template with friends, family, or fellow craft enthusiasts who may also enjoy this activity. Sharing creativity and spreading joy is what crafting is all about.

How can I encourage learning while crafting the paper kite with children?

While crafting the paper kite, take the opportunity to educate children about kite birds and their fascinating characteristics. Discuss topics such as their hunting techniques, unique flying abilities, and the importance of conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures. This hands-on approach to learning can make the craft experience both fun and educational.

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