Where is the lint trap located in the Whirlpool washing machine?

Lint trap locations depend on the washer model and types.

Modern-day washers rely on self-cleaning pump filters to get rid of lint. Whereas, old top load washers with agitators have lint filters located just beneath the agitators or near the drum.

Irrespective of the type of washer and location of the lint traps, these traps have the same purpose i.e. to grab the tiny fibers that come off the fabrics in the form of lint during the wash cycle.

In this post you will learn:

  • Where is the lint trap located in the Whirlpool washing machine?
  • Common locations of the lint trap
  • How to clean the lint trap?
  • Commonly Asked Questions
  • And more…

Let’s get started.

Where is the lint trap located in the Whirlpool washing machine?

The lint trap is usually located at the bottom front side of the front load washing machine in most whirlpool models. Whereas, for a top-loader, you may find the lint trap at the bottom backside of the washer or below the agitator if the washer is extremely old.

Let’s take a quick look at the different types of washers along with the location of the Lint Trap.

Front Loaders

In a front loader, the lint is trapped in the drain pump filter which is located at the bottom front side of the whirlpool washer

How to Clean?

  • You may remove the filter by pulling out the drawer located at the front base of the whirlpool washer. 
  • Here you will have access to the drain pump filter, and you may remove the large clumps of lint.
  • Mix a cleaning solution in a container filled with hot water. Place the filter in the container and leave it to settle for around 10 minutes. 
  • Rinse with clean water and fix the pump filter back to the washer. 

Also Read: How to use Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner?

For Older Top-Load Models

For most older top loader models with agitators, the lint filter is usually located below the agitator itself.

Most of these agitators are easily detachable for cleaning purposes.

How to Clean?

  • Refer to the user manual and locate the filter of your washer model and remove the filter with help of the user guide.
  • Soak the filter in hot water mixed with a cleaning solution. 
  • Let it soak for about 10 minutes or 15 minutes depending on the intensity of the clogs.
  • Scrub the filter with a soft brush and rinse it with clean water.

Note: You can either use a readily available cleaning solution or you may use homemade solutions such as distilled vinegar and baking soda.

High-Efficiency Washers

Most modern-day Hi-Efficiency washers, front as well as the top loaders do not rely on lint filters.

Instead, they use self-cleaning pump filters.

These pump filters are usually located in the outside area i.e. either at the bottom front side of the washer OR at the bottom backside.

How to Clean?

  • These filters can be simply cleaned by running a clean or empty cycle using a cleaning solution with hot water.
  • Homemade solutions such as distilled vinegar and baking soda can also be used to clean the washer and filters.

Linting Causes & Solutions

Lint after the wash cycle is caused due to various factors.

Here are some of them…

Prolonged Usage

Due to prolonged usage, there is always a possibility of lint accumulation inside the washer areas such as the washtub, vent, filters, etc. especially if it’s kept uncleaned.

Hence, while you do your laundry you may notice lint all over your clothes after the wash cycle.

Solution: Use vinegar or other ready-made cleansers to clean the filters at least 2 times a month.

Clogged filter

Keeping the filter uncleaned will simply keep on adding residues, thereby forming a thick layer. Once a thick layer of lint is formed in the filter, it becomes really hard for your washer to function normally.

A clogged filter will not only affect the performance of your washer but also shorten the lifespan of your washer.

Solution: Using a soft toothbrush to clear the clogging can be extremely helpful, wherever possible use the cleansing solution for deep cleaning.

Larger Load

If you load excessive laundry, your fabrics won’t have enough room for tumbling during the wash cycle.

Tightly packed laundry with different types of fabrics tends to rub with each other, thereby producing more lint.

Solution: Load the quantity that your washer can handle and don’t try to overwork the washer. Loading an appropriate quantity of laundry helps to easily perform the tumbling action without any stress.

Fabric Types

Loading several fabric types together in a wash cycle may result in excessive linting of clothes.

Below are a few fabric types that you may consider separating while doing the laundry:

  • Lint releasing fabrics: Fabrics such as Rugs, Towels, Chenille, etc. are all well known to release excessive quantities of lint during a wash cycle.
  • Lint attracting fabrics: Fabrics such as corduroy, knits, and synthetics tend to attract lint during the wash cycle.

If Lint releasing and Lint attracting fabrics are loaded in the washer at the same time, your clothes may be full of lint post-wash.

Solution: Always split such fabric types.

(Note – It is also recommended to separate the dark with the whites or light shaded fabric before the wash)

Detergent factor

There are a few aspects that may affect the efficacy of the cleaning process and one of which is the detergent.

Either you are not using the right amount of detergent or the quality of the detergent is not suitable for your fabrics, which may result in producing Lint during the wash cycle. 

Solution: Always use a good quality detergent suitable to your washer as well as the fabric.

High lint releasing fabrics should be washed apiece with a suitable detergent that is specially formulated to curb the linting fabrics.

Note – It is highly recommended to use High-Efficiency detergents in HE washers. To identify a High-Efficiency detergent, simply look for a HE mark on the labels or the detergent packs.

Final Thoughts

No matter where the filters are located in your washing machine, the primary task remains the same i.e. keeping the lint away.

Timely cleaning of your washer and its components will always benefit in prolonging the lifespan and improving the efficiency of your washer.

Always pre-wash heavily soiled fabrics before adding them to your washer, doing this reduces the buildup of residues caused by the lint, and detergent residues.

Lastly, for getting a better idea of the lint trap location, you may take a glance at the user manual of your washer.

Also Read: How to Descale a Washing Machine?

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions that are frequently asked.

How often should you clean the washer filter?

Cleaning a washer filter once every month is always a good practice. It also depends on how frequently you do your laundry and the size of the load. For e.g, if you do a lot of laundry on a regular basis then it will be ideal to clean the filter twice a month.

When do you replace the washer filter?

Replacing the filter of your washing machine depends on 2 factors.

Heavily clogged filter: If you are unable to clean the clogs from the filter, then the replacement becomes the only solution.

Damaged or a worn-out filter: A damaged or worn-out filter should be replaced, as there isn’t any alternative.

What happens if you don’t change the washer filter?

Uncleaned filters are prone to clogging and wear out quickly.

Worn-out or a clogged filter can diversely impact the efficiency of the washer and may cause damage to your fabrics, and drain areas.

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