How to babyproof a washing machine? (Comprehensive Guide)

Babies are curious and love to explore new things.

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure their safety at all times.

While a washing machine is a blessing in this era of technology, it also poses a few risks, especially if you have small children at home.

So, to be on the safe side, you should babyproof the washing machine to protect both your child and your pets.

In this article, we will go through initiatives that you can take and how you can babyproof your washing machine at home.

In a nutshell

In order to babyproof your washing machine, utilize the child lock feature and keep the laundry room and the washer’s door locked. Also, make sure the water supply switch is out of reach and keep detergents and fabric softeners in a safe area. Other precautions include placing anti-slip mats, installing locks or baby gates, and covering sharp edges.

Key Takeaways

  • Babyproofing a washing machine means reducing or eliminating the possibility of your children being harmed by the washing machine. In fact, it is applicable to both the washer and dryer.
  • A washing machine and dryer can be dangerous for small children; so you will need to find ways to prevent them from being used in your absence.
  • The best way to babyproof a washing machine is to build a cabinet and keep the washer and dryer inside with safety locks on the doors. Also, make sure the electrical outlet is beyond your child’s reach.
  • Whenever possible, keep the doors of your washer shut as chances are, your child may try to climb into it or play with the buttons, which can be dangerous.
  • Consider using child safety locks on your washer and dryer to prevent accidental injury.
  • Make sure to install a master switch for both the washer and dryer and it should be out of children’s reach.

A word of caution (important message)

This specific information is not just an article, but a very important message for every parent, especially those who have small children at home.

If you have a washing machine and/or dryer at home, they can be dangerous for kids.

Children in your house can harm themselves if they consider these machines their play area.

Reports of young children getting seriously hurt while attempting to play with washing machines have been made on numerous occasions in various parts of the world.

So, it is very important to take preventive measures all the time and find ways to ensure that children stay away from washing machines and dryers.

Babyproofing Tips for Your Washing Machine

A Level-headed Approach to Safety

A crucial yet often overlooked aspect of childproofing a washing machine is ensuring it is level and properly installed.

A machine that wobbles or tilts during operation presents an unintended hazard.

Unstable machines not only compromise their own longevity but also invite inquisitive hands to investigate further.

By carefully adhering to the manufacturer’s installation guidelines, you create an environment that is not only safe but also conducive to the machine’s optimal performance.

Keep children away from the machine

Do not seek help from children when using the washing machine.

It may happen that you are stuck with something and need help from someone to change settings, run a load, or empty the machine after the cycle completes.

In such situations, you should never seek help from the younger ones, or else they may attempt to use the washer themselves when you are away.

Educate your children that it’s not safe to touch washing machines.

Some people use creative ideas by sticking cross signs and warning stickers on appliances, including the washing machine.

This helps children understand that they should refrain from using the machine.

Prioritizing Child Safety with Your Washing Machine by Using Child Safety Locks

One of the most critical steps you can take to ensure the safety of your children around washing machines is to secure the appliance’s door with a specialized child safety lock.

This simple yet effective measure can prevent curious little hands from opening the washer, thereby reducing the risk of accidents.

In addition to using a physical lock, many modern washing machines come equipped with a built-in child lock feature.

This setting disables the control panel, making it impossible for children to accidentally start a wash cycle or change settings.

Make it a habit to activate this feature whenever the machine is not in use.

But your responsibility as a consumer doesn’t end there.

It’s crucial to stay informed about any recalls or safety issues related to your washing machine.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) offers an invaluable resource for this.

Their website maintains a regularly updated list of recalled products, allowing you to quickly verify the safety of your appliance.

Shut off the water valves or faucets

This is the best way to prevent a washing machine from running because if the water lines are turned off, the wash program will not proceed. It will display a few errors on the display panel in most cases.

If you have a separate water faucet for the water supply to the washing machine that is out of reach of children, then simply keep it turned off.

If this is not the case, then simply remove the inlet hoses, wrap the opening with plastic, and secure it with tape to prevent water from flowing.

Keep the doors locked

Do not leave the door of your washer and dryer open in your absence, this will be a tempting opportunity for children to peek into the machine.

They may also try to enter through the door, and it could be dangerous if they lock themselves in because the washer and dryer doors are air-tight in most cases.

You can look for a workaround to get an additional lock installed on the washing machine door.

You can simply contact a washing machine service professional to discuss the same.

Washing Machine cover

Another alternative is to use a sturdy cover to keep the washing machine secure and safe from children.

Children tend to get attracted to washing machines when they are exposed, so covering them will keep their attention away.

You can always buy a suitable cover for your washer and dryer online or at local stores.

Use bedsheets

When your washer is not in use, you can wrap the machine and the dryer in a large sheet or bedsheets and tie them from the outside using ropes.

This may seem like a daunting task, but it can prevent serious hazards that can occur if children reach out to the appliance in your absence.

Use Anti-Slip Mats

Placing anti-slip mats under your washing machine can help to prevent the machine from moving or tipping over if your child climbs on it.

These mats are specially designed to provide a non-slip surface, which can help to reduce the risk of accidents.

Balconies / Terrace / Basement

If your washing machine is installed on the terrace, balcony, basement, or garage, or if you have a separate laundry room, make sure to lock the access doors to these places after every use.


If your washer and dryer are installed in a closet or cabinet, it is best to add locks to the doors.

This will prevent children from accessing the machines when you are not around.

Check for Sharp Edges

The washing machine may have sharp edges that can be harmful to your child.

Check the machine for any sharp edges and cover them with foam padding.

Use Baby Gates or Fences

Another way to babyproof your washing machine is to use baby gates or fences.

These can be installed around the machine to create a barrier between your child and the machine.

Cover the Electrical Components

The washing machine contains electrical components that can be dangerous for your child.

Just cover these components with a plastic cover to prevent your child from accessing them.

Keep Your Washing Machine Clean

Regularly cleaning your washing machine can help to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria, which can be harmful to your child’s health.

Other elements

Apart from preventing your children from using the washing machine, you should also keep them away from other laundry products.

Products such as detergents, cleaning solutions, fabric softeners, etc. are harmful, especially if the kids ingest them or come into direct contact with them.

It’s important to store these products in a secure location out of reach of curious children.

Most products advise keeping them out of the reach of children to prevent mishaps.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If your child has been injured by a washing machine, seek medical attention immediately.

Call 911 or your local emergency number if the injury is serious or life-threatening.

Final Thoughts

Babyproofing your washing machine is an important step in ensuring the safety of your child.

If you have a separate laundry room, it’s best to keep it locked and secured when you are away or not using the machine.

Educating or spreading awareness among kids is the best way to prevent any accidental injuries.

If the kids are small, remember to install a safety lock, keep the machine out of reach, install a power outlet that is beyond your child’s reach, and always cover the electrical components.

Also, if possible, use baby gates or fences and store the detergents or fabric softeners safely.

Lastly, check for sharp edges, and try teaching your child about washing machine safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Common Injuries Associated with the Washing Machines?

Common injuries associated with the washing machine include cuts and bruises from sharp edges, electrical shocks, and ingestion of detergent or other laundry-related liquids or powders.

How Do I Teach My Child About Washing Machine Safety?

Teach your child about washing machine safety by explaining the dangers of the machine, setting rules and boundaries, and supervising them when they are near the machine. Use age-appropriate language and visuals to help them understand the importance of staying away from the machine.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at)