How to Iron Felt Fabric? (Comprehensive Guide)

Quick Answer

To iron a felt fabric, set the iron to the lowest setting and place a damp pressing cloth or thin piece of fabric between the iron and the felt to prevent burning. If low heat doesn’t work on your felt fabric, slowly raise the iron’s temperature.

Felt is a popular crafting material that is used in a wide range of projects, from home decor to clothing and accessories.

However, one question that many crafters and individuals working on DIY projects have is whether or not felt can be ironed.

The short answer is yes; however, it is important to use the right method or technique along with the right type of equipment to ensure that the felt does not get damaged in the process.

In this article, we’ll talk about the best ways to iron felt and cover some helpful tips on taking care of felt fabrics.

Key Takeaways

  • The process of felting involves matting, condensing, and pressing of fiber with heat, water, and pressure until they become a cohesive material.
  • Felted fabrics are sturdy in nature and they are less prone to wrinkles, however, there is always a possibility of wrinkles if it is not stored properly.
  • Make sure to always use a low heat or delicate setting on your iron and place a protective cloth between the iron and the fabric when ironing.

What is a felt fabric?

Felt is a unique type of fabric that is made from natural fibers and is created through a process of matting, condensing, and pressing the fibers together.

In simple words, the fibers are matted together using heat, moisture, and friction, resulting in a fabric that is dense and has a fuzzy surface.

Most commonly, it is made from wool, which is first processed into individual fibers, and then those fibers are matted together to create the fabric.

Apart from wool, felted fabrics can also be made of other natural fibers, such as animal fur, or synthetic fibers such as acrylic or polyester.

This type of material is said to be perfect for DIY projects and manufacturing heavy-duty garments.

It is also used for a variety of applications, including clothing, hats, coats, jackets, other outerwear, toys, and home decoration.

Because of its quality and sturdiness, this fabric is frequently used to make dresses, skirts, and children’s wear.

Uses of Felt Fabric

Felt fabric is used for a broad range of applications, some of which include but are not limited to the production of clothing, accessories, toys, and home decorative items.

Clothing and Accessories

Felt fabric is often used to manufacture hats, scarves, and other clothing items due to its insulating capabilities, making it an excellent choice for cold-weather wear.

Home Decor

Felt fabric is commonly used to create wall hangings, coasters, and other home decor items due to its great durability and water resistance capabilities.

Due to its high durability and water resistance capabilities, it makes a good fit for manufacturing items that can withstand everyday wear and tear.

Craft Projects

Felt fabric is a popular choice for craft projects, such as making felt flowers or stuffed animals. Its soft texture and ability to be cut and shaped make it a versatile material for a wide range of craft projects.

Do felt fabrics wrinkle?

Felt fabrics are less prone to wrinkling than other fabrics, such as cotton or linen. This is because the fibers in felt fabrics are densely packed and have undergone a felting process, which gives the material a thick, smooth feel. However, felt can still develop wrinkles if it is folded or stored improperly or if it is made with lower-quality fibers.

Can you iron felt fabric?

Yes, felt fabrics can be ironed in low-heat settings. However, it is important to read the care label before ironing any fabric, as the fabric may not tolerate heat that well.

In general, felt fabrics do not tolerate high temperatures, so when ironing felt fabrics, it is important to start with a low heat setting and avoid using steam upfront, as the high heat and moisture can cause the felt to shrink or lose its shape.

Later, you may increase the temperature gradually if the fabric does not respond to the low heat setting.

Additionally, it is best to use a pressing cloth between the iron and the felt to prevent any damage.

So, the answer is yes, felt fabrics can be ironed at low heat settings by placing an ironing cloth or damp towel between the iron and the fabric.

How to iron felt fabric? (Step-by-Step)

Ironing felt fabrics can be a tricky business, as the heat and steam of the iron can cause the fabric to shrink.

Instructions to iron felt fabric

Step 1: Placing the felt fabric

Place the felt fabric on an ironing board or a flat surface padded with a large towel, a thick piece of cotton sheet, or any other heat-resistant sheet.

Next, plug your iron into a power outlet and turn it on.

Step 2: Set the iron to low heat settings

Start by using lower temperature settings on your iron, or if your iron has a wool or silk setting, that would also do the trick.

Remember, felt is sensitive to heat, and it can easily be damaged by excessive heat.

Therefore, it is important to adjust i.e. increase or decrease the heat setting depending on the kind of felt you are using.

Step 3: Place an ironing cloth

Place a thin towel over the fabric before ironing, as it will help protect the fabric and prevent any shine that can occur from direct contact with the iron.

You can also use a pressing cloth or place a piece of parchment paper over the felt before ironing to protect the fabric from direct contact with the hot soleplates of your iron.

Note: For added protection, you can place a towel or a sheet between the felt and the ironing board. This will prevent the felt from sticking to the ironing board in case it starts to melt due to excess heat.

Step 4: Press to iron

It is best to use a pressing motion rather than a sliding motion when ironing over a wrinkled surface.

If there are a lot of wrinkles on the fabric, make sure to iron in small sections, moving the iron back and forth over the affected area.

When ironing, be cautious not to apply excessive pressure to a specific area for an extended period of time, since doing so might cause the fibers to get damaged.

Step 5: Reassess and use steam or a damp cloth

The next step is to reassess the fabric to check for any areas that require additional ironing.

If the wrinkles still exist after ironing, you can try using the steam feature or simply place a slightly damp towel between the iron and felt fabric and start ironing.

Once the wrinkles are gone, fold or hang the felted clothing in an even manner.

Felt fabric care tips

Even though the felt fabric is a durable and low-maintenance material, it still needs proper care to prolong its lifespan.

Here are some helpful tips for caring for felt fabric:


Felt fabric can be spot cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge.

However, if the felt is heavily soiled, it can be hand washed with mild soap and warm water.

Just be sure to rinse thoroughly, lay flat to dry, and avoid using high heat or dryers.


Felt fabric can be ironed on a low heat setting, but it is not necessary in most cases.

If ironing is needed, it is best to place a thin towel or cloth over the felt before ironing to protect the fibers.


The felt fabric should be stored in a cool and dry place.

Avoid storing in damp or humid areas, as this can cause mold or mildew to develop.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause colors to fade over time, so it is best to avoid storing felt fabrics in direct sunlight.

Best practices for maintaining your felt fabric

  • Use a lint roller or brush to remove any excess fibers or lint from the felt surface.
  • Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals on felt fabric as it can damage the fibers.
  • Use a fabric steamer instead of an iron to refresh the felt fabric.
  • Avoid using too much water when cleaning felt fabric as it can cause shrinkage or damage to the fibers.
  • For felt fabric items such as hats or bags, stuff them with paper to maintain their shape while storing.
  • For felt fabric items that are exposed to heavy use, such as a footstool or table runner, consider treating it with a fabric protector spray to help repel stains and spills.
  • In the case of a felt fabric item that has become stretched or misshapen, try reshaping it by dampening it with water, reshaping it to the desired shape while it is damp, and allowing it to dry in that shape.
  • Avoid using high temperatures or high heat tumble drying when drying your felt fabric.

Final Thoughts

Felted fabrics are a popular choice for crafting projects but can also be used to make clothing items and upholstery. 

It is simply a textile made by matting individual wool fibers together using heat, water, and pressure until they form a cohesive piece of cloth.

Ironing felt is relatively easy, and you can get that smooth, wrinkle-free finish on your crafting projects by using a steam iron, ironing on low heat, or using a pressing cloth.

Just remember not to try to iron felt items directly and to always place a towel or pressing cloth between the fabric and iron when ironing them.

Felt fabrics should be ironed on a padded surface, such as the ironing board or a wooden table padded with a large towel.

Also, you can use a felt ironing board if you want to iron your felt fabric regularly.

Last but not least, read the care label of your felt fabric carefully before deciding to wash or iron it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I iron my felt hat?

It’s not recommended to iron felt hats as they maintain their shape well and ironing can damage the fibers of the felt. Additionally, the heat from the iron can cause shrinkage and discoloration.

Do I need to use steam to iron felt?

It is not necessary to use steam for ironing felt fabric; you can even place a damp cloth between the fabric and the iron to get the desired results without risking damage to the fibers.

Should I press down the felt hard?

No, you shouldn’t press down hard when ironing; simply let the weight of the iron do the work.

Can you wash felt fabric?

Yes, you can wash felt fabrics; however, it’s recommended to hand-wash felt items in cold water with a mild detergent and lay them flat to dry. It’s recommended to do spot-cleaning when dealing with felt items as opposed to full washing.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at)