Why are washing machines so heavy? (Explained)

Washing machines have evolved and have advanced multifold.

But one thing that hasn’t changed much is their weight.

Being one of the most commonly used appliances in households, they come in different sizes and capacities.

One thing they have in common is that they are almost always significantly heavier than other household appliances.

But why are they so heavy?

In this article, you will learn the exact reason why washing machines are so heavy.

Here’s what this article covers.

Why have washers gotten heavier over the years?

There are a few reasons for this.

One of them is that washers have become larger, to accommodate excess loads of laundry.

Another reason is that washers these days have more added features than they used to, such as steam options and automatic dispensers.

These added features add weight to the washer.

Finally, modern-day washers are made with heavier-duty materials to extend their lifespan. This all contributes to why washers are so heavy.

Why are washing machines so heavy?

The average washing machine weighs anywhere around 150 pounds.

That’s a lot of weight to move around, and it can be a real pain if you need to move your washer for any reason.

Washing machines have to be built tough to withstand all the laundry that gets thrown into them day after day.

They need to be durable enough to handle constant use, and that means they need to be built with durable and heavier materials.

Here are some common factors influencing the weight of a washer.


Washing Machines are designed with several components.

These components of made up of durable materials which add further weight to the machine.

Here are some of the components that increase the weight of a machine.


A washtub is a component where all the laundry tasks take place. Tasks such as washing, rinsing, spinning, drying, etc.

They are usually made up of plastic or metal and are very dense, thereby making them heavy.

Washtubs made up of plastic are lighter compared to metallic ones.

Motor & Gearbox

Motors such as the main motor and the drain motor are the common components in most washers.

The main motor is designed to perform heavy-duty functions such as agitation and high RPM spins. 

These motors handle heavy loads throughout their lifespan.

Motors are further connected to heavy gearboxes that together rotate and spin the washtub.

So, the motor along with heavy gearboxes simply add weight.

Outer Body Panels

The outer panels cover the washing machine from all sides.

The components are fixed internally in such a way that they don’t move or wear out during function or mobility.

To avoid dents on the panels and to firmly hold the machine these panels have to be stronger.

Hence, manufacturers design strong and durable outer panels that add to the overall weight of the washing machine.

Concrete Blocks

Do you know why the washers appear heavy even with an empty load?

The answer is because one or more concrete blocks are installed in the machine.

These concrete blocks are the heaviest components of the washing machine.

These concrete blocks are usually installed at the base surface of the washing machine.

This stabilizes the washer during high spin rotations by controlling the excess vibrations.

Other components

The other components include the valves, switches, electrical components, drain system, nuts & bolts, etc.

These are comparatively lighter but they do add some weight to the washer.


The weight of a washing machine also depends on its size and capacity.

The larger the capacity the heavier it will weigh.

A washer with less capacity is designed to be compact which makes them lighter than large machines.

Washer & Dryer Combos

Nowadays most brands manufacture all-in-one washer dryer combos.

The inclusion of dryers with the washers adds more features and functions to a single unit.

This also means the inclusion of more parts in one single unit.


Load simply means your clothes, detergents, and water that are added to the washtub for cleaning.

So, when you add all that water weight to the weight of the machine itself, it becomes heavy.

Likewise, the fabrics soaked with water in the washing machine can immensely increase the weight of your washer.

Also Read: What’s the Average Height of a Washer?

Final Thoughts

Your washer needs to be able to withstand a lot of wear and tear since they’re constantly in use, therefore it is manufactured using materials that are durable, strong, and heavy.

Furthermore, manufacturers intentionally make the washers heavy by including materials like heavy concrete blocks.

This is done to ensure that the washer does not tip over during use.

In a nutshell, the heavy weight helps to stabilize the washer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions related to washing machine fundamentals that may be helpful.

Is a heavy washing machine good?

The weight of a washing machine helps to keep it stable during the washing cycle, which prevents the machine from vibrating and making noise. The weight of a washing machine helps to evenly distribute a load of laundry during the wash cycle, which results in cleaner clothes.

Why are clothes dryers so heavy?

Clothes Dryers are heavy because they need to be able to handle a lot of weight. Especially when we add wet clothes and they tend to be heavier in a damp state. This is so that they can spin the clothes around without breaking or wobbling. The heavy-duty motors and frames ensure your clothes get dried without any wear and tear.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at) portablelaundry.com