What are Plant-based Detergents? (Explained)

Whenever you read about the laundry-related subject, you must have come across a few terms OR phrases being used all the time.

Plant-Based Detergents (PBDs) is one such term that is commonly used to describe a type of detergent that is made from natural ingredients.

In this article, you will learn about PBDs also known as Plant-Based Detergents.

What are plant-based detergents in the laundry?

PBDs, or Plant-based detergents, are a type of natural detergent that is becoming increasingly popular.

Plant-based detergent formulations work just as well as their traditional counterparts. That too without affecting the environment.

Therefore, PBDs are said to be environment-friendly and are gentler on fabrics.

They may not be as effective at removing dirt and oils, but they are better for the environment because they do not release harmful chemicals. 

PBDs are usually made from oils that occur naturally and fats that can be extracted from plants.

Furthermore, they do not require water or any type of chemical processing during their production.

PBDs can be renewable, sustainable, low impact on the environment, and biodegradable.

In today’s market, there are several types of plant-based detergents, including ones made from cold-pressed oil, tallow, coconut oil, olive oil, hemp seed oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, and avocado oil.

Some detergent makers offer both natural and synthetic versions of their products.

What makes Plant-Based Detergents unique?

Plant-based detergents are unique in many ways.

Let’s take a quick look at a few qualities of plant-based detergent that makes them stand out OR Unique.

Eco-Friendly detergents

Plant-based detergents usually contain non-toxic ingredients, thereby making them environment-friendly.

Whereas, many conventional detergents contain harsh chemicals that may harm the environment, animals, and humans.

Sustainable production methods

The production of plant-based detergents often relies on sustainable farming practices.

In General, It is produced through planting rather than mining, therefore this process reduces waste and improves soil quality.

They’re biodegradable

Plant-based detergents are also biodegradable, which means they break down into smaller pieces over time and help improve soil health.

Water efficient

PDBs are less concentrated than traditional detergents and therefore require less water to dissolve. This saves precious resources and what’s more, they help to lower your water bills.

Natural detergents

They are made from natural ingredients and are the least common type of detergent.

PBDs are typically more expensive than synthetic detergents, but they are gentle on fabrics while removing dirt and oils.


Plant-based detergents are often free of allergens, which makes them an excellent choice for people with allergies.

This applies especially to people who are suffering from allergies and asthma.

Gentler on clothes:

Since these detergents are made without any harsh chemicals, they are gentler on fabrics and do not damage them in the long run.

Safer on your skin

Some people avoid laundering due to the sensitivity factor of their skin.

Detergents that have undergone natural processing make a perfect fit for them as they are less likely to cause skin irritation or allergy issues.

What do you wash using plant-based detergents?

Almost all types of fabrics can be washed by using these detergents, but they are best when used on delicate fabrics.

The delicate fabrics for babies, including baby blankets, crib bedding, and all of their little clothing, can be washed using PBDs.

With that said, other delicate fabrics such as wool, silk, cashmere, and other fluffy items including blankets and jackets can be washed using these detergents.

In Fact, anyone who is allergic to strong chemicals might use them to wash their clothes.

Final Thoughts

Plant-Based Detergents are a type of mild or delicate detergents that are made using natural ingredients and are considered to be safe for the skin.

Furthermore, these detergents are gentle on your clothes and don’t contain harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients in most cases.

With that said, even though using such natural detergents will leave your garments feeling soft, fresh, and fluffy after washing, it may not always be the best option for your clothes, especially if the clothes are heavily soiled.

So, whether or not you should use plant-based detergents completely depends on the type of fabric and the current state.

For delicate fabrics, plant-based detergents are good, whereas, for heavily soiled clothes, it’s best to use conventional detergents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any drawback to using Plant-Based Detergents?

The only downside is that they do not clean as efficiently as synthetic detergents do. Therefore, they can take more time to clean your fabrics effectively. Another factor is the cost factor, they are generally more expensive than traditional detergents.

Where can I buy the plant-based detergents?

They are available in most stores that supply laundry detergents. If you fail to get one simply order them using online platforms such as Amazon.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at) portablelaundry.com