What is an anti-static spray for clothes?

The anti-static spray is a solution that acts as a barrier between the fabric and the source of the static charge. Basically, this spray stops the flow of electrons between the two surfaces, which gets rid of the static charge and stops things from sticking together. It discharges static charge-causing elements safely into the air.

Key Takeaways

  • Static charge can occur naturally when two different materials rub against each other.
  • When it comes to clothing, It can be the fabrics rubbing against your skin as you wear them or rubbing against each other.
  • Static can also be created artificially by using tools like rollers or brushes.
  • To reduce the risk of static electricity, objects can be coated with anti-static spray, which provides a uniform distribution of electrons across the surface.
  • Apart from anti-static sprays, you can use other products like fabric softener, vinegar, or baking soda to reduce static cling.

What is a static charge on clothes?

Static electricity is basically an electrostatic charge on clothes that is created when fabric rubs against other pieces of fabric, a phenomenon known as the triboelectric effect.

In other words, a static charge is caused by friction between two fabrics.

Some surfaces, like plastic wrap or abrasive cleaning pads, can also cause static electricity to build up.

Even walking across a carpet can create a static charge.

While static electricity is not dangerous, it can be annoying at times.

When does static electricity occur, and why?

So, basically, when two materials rub together, they exchange electrons.

Materials that lose electrons become positively charged, while materials that gain electrons become negatively charged.

Sometimes one material can hold on to more electrons than the other, and this imbalance creates a static charge during friction.

Another common cause of static charge is contact with an electrostatically charged object.

You may even experience this after walking across a carpeted floor and then touching a metal doorknob.

What are anti-static sprays made of?

The ingredients in anti-static spray vary depending on the type of spray, i.e., the ingredients in a natural spray will be completely different when compared to those in chemical-based sprays.

Natural anti-static sprays are usually made of plant oils, essential oils, and other natural ingredients.

On the other hand, chemical-based sprays typically contain an ethanol solution of quaternary ammonium fabric softener combined with ammonium acetate (1).

With that said, the ingredients may vary from brand to brand, for example, static guard uses Alcohol Denat., Hydrofluorocarbon 152A, Isobutane, Propane, Quaternium-18, Isopropyl Alcohol, Ammonium Acetate, and Fragrance (Parfum) as their main ingredients.

No matter what brand you use, these solutions work by spreading electrons evenly across the surface. This makes static electricity less likely to happen.

Is Anti-Static spray toxic?

Yes, anti-static sprays that use chemicals often contain chemicals that are bad for humans and the environment.

This is why it is important to read the labels of any product you buy.

Natural anti-static sprays are considered safer since they do not contain any harsh chemicals that could be toxic.

How to make a homemade anti-static spray for clothes?

There are many home remedies that you can try to get rid of static cling from your clothes.

Here are some of the best ways to make a homemade anti-static spray for clothes:

Water Only

Fill a spray bottle with water and mist it on the garment.

This will help to reduce any electrostatic charge that is present on the fabric.

Just ensure that you don’t dampen your clothes too much with the water spray.

Vinegar and Water

In a bowl, mix vinegar with water in a ratio of one part vinegar to four parts water.

Fill a spray bottle with this solution and mist it on the garment.

This mixture will help reduce any static charge that is present on the fabric.


Is static cling driving you up the wall? Spray some hairspray on, and you’re good to go.

Spray it directly on the fabric and spread it evenly.

The alcohol in the hairspray will help to reduce any static charge that is present on the fabric.

DIY Fabric Softener

Pour some vinegar into the spray bottle, followed by adding a few drops of essential oil.

Next, mix this mixture thoroughly, and then spritz it onto the fabric.

The vinegar and essential oil will help to reduce any static charge that is present on the fabric.

White vinegar Only

Static cling is a pain, but you can get rid of it with just vinegar.

Just spray your clothes with white vinegar before putting them in the dryer, and voila! you should be static-free.

Don’t worry about the vinegar smell, as it goes away as your clothes dry.

Fabric softener

Fabric softener sheets can also be used to reduce static cling.

To use them, simply place the sheet in the dryer with the wet clothes and dry them as usual.

Baking soda

This is another great home remedy for not only keeping static at bay but also naturally softening and sanitizing your clothes.

You don’t need to do anything special to use this; simply adding 1/4 cup baking soda to your regular laundry cycle should help keep the static at bay.

Make homemade anti-static spray without fabric softener

Making a homemade anti-static spray is an easy process that does not require any special ingredients or prep work.

You only need four basic ingredients to make an effective anti-static spray.

Ingredients needed to make homemade anti-static spray without fabric softener:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 5 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • 15 drops of lemon juice
  • A spray bottle

Instructions to make a homemade anti-static spray without fabric softener

Step 1: Add the water and vinegar to the spray bottle.

Step 2: Add the essential oil and lemon juice.

Step 3: Shake well to combine the ingredients.

Step 4: Spritz the mixture on your clothes before putting them in the dryer.

Natural anti-static sprays for clothes

When we talk about natural anti-static sprays for clothes, some of the most effective ingredients are vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

Vinegar can be used to reduce static cling without leaving any scent behind; all you need is a spray bottle filled with white vinegar and a few sprays on the affected piece of clothing.

You can play with the ingredients and add a drop of essential oil if you want it to smell nice.

Baking soda is also an excellent home remedy for naturally softening clothes and removing static electricity.

You can prevent static electricity by adding 1/4 cup of baking soda to your regular laundry cycle.

What types of clothes cause static charge?

Synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, and acrylic are more likely to have static than natural fabrics because they can’t absorb moisture as well.

However, some natural fibers like wool and silk are also susceptible to static electricity because they are not good conductors.

In addition, fabrics that are heavily starched or dried with high heat can also become staticky.

Can vinegar prevent static on clothes?

As a DIY home remedy, you can add a small quantity of white vinegar during the wash.

When vinegar is applied to the fabric, it will work to break down the fibers of the fabric and release any static charge that is present.

This can be an effective way to remove static from clothes without damaging the fabric.

Vinegar has been used for ages as a natural fabric softener, and can also be used to remove static from clothes.

To use vinegar to remove static charge from clothes, simply add 1/2 cup of vinegar to your washing machine during the rinse cycle.

Alternatively, you can also add 1/2 cup of vinegar to a spray bottle and spray it onto your clothes before putting them in the dryer.

Can baking soda prevent static on clothes?

The most common method for removing the static charge from clothes is to use a commercial fabric softener.

However, baking soda can also be used to remove the static charge.

To use baking soda, simply sprinkle it on the affected area and rub it in.

Then, rinse the area with water and let it dry before wearing it.

You can also add a cup of baking soda to your washing machine’s rinse cycle to help eliminate static.

The best part is that baking soda is a natural fabric softener and will leave your clothes feeling softer than before without leaving behind any residues.

Why are clothes staticky after drying?

There are actually a few different reasons why your clothes might be staticky after drying.

One possibility is that your clothing is made up of synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon.

As these materials are less likely to absorb moisture than natural fibers like cotton and wool, they can hold onto more static electricity and release static charge after drying.

You can prevent static on clothes by simply separating garments depending on their type during the washing and drying process.

Additionally, dryers work by circulating hot air around your clothes.

This can sometimes make fabrics lose their moisture and become statically charged.

If this is a problem for you, try hanging your clothes to air dry naturally instead.

Moreover, if you are using a tumble dryer, then it may be possible that your dryer isn’t properly vented. If lint builds up in the dryer, it can cause static cling.

Make sure to clean out your dryer lint trap regularly to prevent this from happening.

Also, make sure you’re not overloading your dryer.

If you stuff too many clothes into the drum, they won’t have enough room to tumble freely and could come out more wrinkled and full of static.

Furthermore, excessive use of laundry detergent or fabric softener can be another cause of static charge on clothes.

These products can leave behind residues that may make your clothes staticky after drying.

It’s best to use the recommended amount of detergent or fabric softener for your load size, as indicated on the product label.

Final Thoughts

There are several different methods that you can use to get rid of static, depending on what is available to you and your preferences.

If you like natural stuff, you can add vinegar during the wash cycle, sprinkle baking soda onto the fabric, or just use water spray to get rid of the static.

If these remedies don’t work, try air drying your clothes naturally or cleaning out your dryer lint trap regularly.

Also, make sure not to overload your dryer and only use the recommended amount of laundry detergent or fabric softener.

If nothing works, get a good-quality anti-static spray.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use anti-static spray on clothes?

Make sure that the clothing item is clean and dry, and shake the can well before use. Always hold the can of anti-static spray a few inches away from the fabric. Then, spray it evenly over the surface of the garment and let it dry for a few minutes before wearing it.

Why do you use an anti-static spray?

Anti-static sprays are used to reduce the risk of static discharge.

What does anti-static spray do?

It acts as a barrier between fabrics and the static electricity that causes them. This barrier keeps static electricity from moving from one surface to another and lets it safely escape into the air.

When do clothes discharge static?

This can be particularly true in the winter when static cling is more common due to dry air.

What is the best way to remove static from clothes?

If you’re looking for a way to reduce static cling in your clothes, consider using an anti-static spray.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at) portablelaundry.com