What setting to wash bed sheets in the LG washing machine?

Key Takeaways

Fabric TypeSoil LevelIdeal CycleWater Temperature

A cotton/normal cycle along with a normal soil level is an ideal setting for machine-washing your bed sheets. But if your sheets are extra soiled, you may want to use a cycle with a heavier soil level.

Additionally, always use cold water when washing your bed sheets in order to preserve their color and prevent shrinking.

Having said that, to wash the bed sheets in your LG washer, it is always advised to look into the user manuals for different types of wash.

There are multiple settings to wash a bedsheet, you simply need to choose the right one based on the type of sheet you are washing.

In this post we will cover:

  • Ideal settings to wash bed sheets in the washing machine
  • Steps to wash bed sheets in Washing Machine
  • Commonly Asked Questions
  • And More…

Let’s jump right into it.

Why choose an Ideal Setting to Wash Bed Sheets?

Choosing an ideal setting to wash the bed sheet is extremely important.

It’s not like one size fits all when it comes to washing your bed sheets.

You should always double-check the care label before you start washing your bed sheets in the washing machine.

In most cases, the care label will guide you on what temperature you should wash the bed sheets and also which cycle to use.

Ideally, there are three main factors you need to consider while washing bed sheets in your washing machine and they are:

  • Type of Fabric
  • Color of the Fabric
  • Soil Level

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Type of Fabric

Identifying the type of fabric is extremely important when it comes to washing your bed sheets and this is where the care label comes into play.

Failing to identify the type of fabric can certainly give you undesired results.

For example, if you mistakenly wash a delicate fabric on a hot cycle, it can easily damage the fabric.

On the other hand, if you are washing a cotton bed sheet on a delicate cycle, it will take forever to get clean.

So, make sure to check the care label before you start washing your bed sheets.

Color of the Fabric

The color of the fabric is another important factor you need to consider while washing your bed sheets.

You always need to use cold water when washing colored bed sheets in order to preserve the color.

If you use hot water, it can easily fade the color of the bed sheets.

So, if you want to keep the color of your bed sheets intact, use cold water.

Soil Level

You can’t ignore the soil level, it is one of the crucial factors you need to consider while washing your bed sheets.

The soil level will determine the cycle and temperature that you need to use in order to wash your bed sheets.

For example, if the bed sheets are lightly soiled, you can wash them on a delicate cycle with cold water.

But if the bed sheets are heavily soiled, you need to wash them on a normal cycle with hot water.

Now that you know the three main factors you need to consider while washing your bed sheets, let’s take a look at the ideal settings to wash different types of bed sheets.

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Ideal settings to wash bed sheets

Depending on your bedsheet’s fabric type and size, you may select one of the suitable cycles listed below.


Suitable for fabrics that easily accumulate dust such as pillows, bed sheets, baby clothes, and undergarments.

This cycle is available in most LG washers and it uses intense heat to remove common household allergens such as pet dander and dust mites with more than 95% efficiency.

To use this cycle, select the Allergiene button and then press the Start/Pause button.

Allergiene cycle offers other default options such as:

Spin speed: High, Extra High, No Spin, Low and Medium. 

Soil Level: Normal, Heavy, Light.

Other Options: Steam.

Cotton or Normal

This is the most commonly used wash cycle in an LG washer.

Cotton OR Normal wash cycle is suitable for denim, towels, sheets, and mixed loads.

Except for wool or silk, you may wash almost all your normal laundry items using this specific cycle. 

If your bedsheet is of a standard size (not bulky) then you may simply wash your bedsheet using the Cotton/Normal cycle.

Default options that come with this cycle are as below:

Spin speed: High, Extra High, No Spin, and Medium. 

Soil Level: Normal, Heavy, Light.

Other Options: Extra Rinse, Stain Care, Cold Wash, Fabric Softener.

Approximate Cycle duration: Between 40 to 45 mins.


This cycle is specifically designed to wash larger items such as blankets, comforters, and bulky sheets.

In case, if the Cotton/Normal cycle does not give you the desired results, you may prefer using the Bulky/Bedding cycle.

The other default options available with the Bulky/Beddings cycle are:

Spin speed: High, Extra High, No Spin, Low, and Medium. 

Soil Level: Normal, Heavy, Light.

Other Options: Extra Rinse, Cold Wash, and Fabric Softener.

Approximate Cycle duration: Between 45 to 50 mins.


This cycle is suitable for lightweight waterproof items such as mattress covers, plastic mats, outdoor clothes, and other water-resistant fabrics.

In some cases, we tend to use bedsheets that are water-resistant to prevent the bed from getting wet.

For such types of fabrics, you may use the Waterproof cycle.

There are a very few other options available with Waterproof Cycle:

Spin speed: No Spin, and Low. 

Soil Level: Normal, Heavy, Light.

Other Options: No other options.

Note: LG recommends using the load weighing less than 14lbs for a Waterproof Cycle.

Most LG washers have these common settings and in case you find yourself confused then simply refer to the user manual for wash instructions.

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How to wash a bed sheet in your LG washer?

Let us take a quick look at the step-by-step instructions to wash the bed sheet in your LG Washing Machine.

Step 1: Load the Bedsheet

  • Load the bedsheet in the wash tub and make sure there is ample room available for agitation or tumbling during the wash cycle.
  • Do not overload by adding multiple larger bedsheets in a single cycle.

Step 2: Add Detergents

Step 3: Water Settings

Bedsheets are usually washed using hot water but it completely depends on the fabric type.

Using hot water gets rid of the dust and termites from your bed sheet and also kills the germs & bacteria.

Bed sheets with polyester fabrics are usually washed using warm water whereas the bedsheets made with cotton can be easily washed using hot water.

Similarly, bedsheets that are prone to releasing colors or fading away should be washed using cold water settings.

So the type of wash clearly depends on the fabric type.

The simplest way to identify the right wash type for your bedsheet is to look at the care label of the bed sheet.

Accordingly, turn the dial to a hot or cold water setting.

Step 4: Select the Wash Cycle

Depending on the size of the bedsheet you may select the Normal/Cotton for the standard-sized bedsheet or the Bulky/Bedding cycle for a large or bulky bedsheet.

If your washer has an Allergiene wash program as an option then you may simply set the washer to Allergiene cycle as it is specially designed to wash specific loads including bed sheets.

Step 5: Other Options

You may also adjust the spin speed, and soil level, and add other options like steam, soak, and extra rinse to the selected wash program as per your requirements.

Step 6: Start the Wash Cycle

Now Simply, run the wash cycle and wait for the cycle to be completed.

The wash cycle can last anywhere between 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the options selected.

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Final Thoughts

In order to wash your bed sheets or any other fabrics that you are not sure of, simply refer to its care label for washing instructions.

Do not jam-pack and load the bedsheet in your washer. Instead, allow some room inside the washtub for agitation or tumbling during the wash cycle.

Lastly, do not wash all the bedsheets at once.

Try to wash One OR two bedsheets maximum at a single go for the best results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions related to washing bed sheets in your LG washing machine.

What setting can be used to wash pillows in my LG washer?

Washing pillows in your LG washer needs proper care, hence always select the Gentle Wash program using warm or hot water depending on the care label of the pillow. Use HE detergents if you are washing the pillows in High efficiency (HE) washer.

What is a deep wash in an LG washer?

A Deep Wash cycle is a setting where your washing machine uses a higher water level and longer washing time to clean the fabrics deeply. It is always advisable to select the deep wash option for your first wash as it will help to remove all the dirt, dust, and stains from your bed sheets.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at) portablelaundry.com