Amana washer banging during spin cycle? (Causes & Solutions)

Quick Answer

There are several reasons that may cause your Amana washer to make banging sounds. Some of the common reasons include an unbalanced load, worn-out suspension springs, a loose drum, worn shock absorbers, a cracked spider or broken arm support, problematic bearings, or an out-of-level washer.

That being said, these are only the common reasons and not the only reasons why your Amana washer may be making a banging noise during the spin cycle.

It is best to consult a professional repair service to diagnose and fix the issue.

Key Takeaways

  • If your Amana washer is banging during the spin cycle you should immediately pause the washing machine to prevent any damage.
  • Neglecting the strange noises and excess vibration can lead to further damage and even complete system failure.
  • A banging noise may be caused by simple factors, such as heavy loads containing hard objects like coins, or it may be caused by more complicated factors, such as a problematic drum, bearing, suspension rods, broken spider arms, etc.

Let’s take a look into the most common causes of banging noise from your Amana washing machine along with the possible solutions to fix them.

Uneven laundry loads or Overloading

When you put clothes in the washing machine, it’s important to distribute the weight evenly to prevent the drum from spinning off balance.

If the weight is not evenly distributed, the drum can start to vibrate and make a loud banging noise as it spins.

Furthermore, it may happen that there are heavier items loaded with lighter garments in the machine.

This also makes it difficult for the washing machine to balance the drum during the spin cycle.

This is because the drum is moving back and forth in an uneven manner due to uneven loads, hitting against the outer casing of the washing machine.

To resolve this issue, you should redistribute the clothes evenly in the drum before starting the spin cycle.

If the problem persists, you may need to adjust the leveling legs of the washing machine to ensure that it is level and stable during operation.

Additionally, you can try reducing the size of your wash load to see if that helps.

Leveling Issue

The leveling issue may go unnoticed during the wash process; however, as soon as the washer reaches the spin-only cycle, it spins the drum at high RPMs (speed).

When a washing machine is not level, it can cause the drum to tilt during the spin cycle, which can result in loud banging noises.

This happens because the drum is not able to rotate smoothly and is hitting the sides of the washing machine.

In addition to making a loud banging noise, an out-of-level washer can also cause wear and tear on the drum, suspension system, drum spiders, and shock absorbers, leading to more serious problems down the road.

To resolve this issue, you should first check the leveling legs of the washing machine to make sure they are properly adjusted and the machine is level.

You can do this by using a leveling tool to check the front-to-back and side-to-side levels of the washer.

If the machine is not leveled, adjust the leveling legs until it is properly leveled.

Also, check the floor beneath the washing machine to make sure it is solid and level.

Lastly, if your washing machine is placed on a stand or pedestal, you can simply inspect it for wear-outs and get it fixed accordingly.

If you continue to experience problems with an out-of-level washer, it may be best to consult a professional repair service for further assistance.

Worn-out washer components

There is always a chance that some of the parts in your Amana washing machine will wear out from normal wear and tear or just from age.

It can be a loose or broken drum, or suspension rods causing a banging noise during the spin cycle.

If you have the Amana front-load washer, you can look out for shock absorbers, likewise, if it is a top-load model, check suspension rods for any wear-outs.

These parts help balance the drum during the wash and spin cycles.

You will run into the washer suspension system while trying to get to the washer drum.

Just inspect the suspension system and drum; don’t forget to check the drum spider as well.

The washer drum usually sits over the drum spider, and a broken arm of the drum spider can cause a loud banging noise from the machine.

Even a loose drive pulley can be the culprit because as the drum spins, the pulley holding the drum belt around the washer can become loose, resulting in the belt slipping off, and banging against the drum as it continues to spin.

All of the above-mentioned parts are among the suspected internal components of the washer that can cause banging noises in the event of wear-outs.

To fix the issue yourself, you will need to have some know-how in troubleshooting electronic appliances.

However, most parts of the washing can be replaced at home and by yourself with the help of the user manual of your washing machine model and a little bit of patience.

That being said, it’s best to consult a technician if you are unable to figure out the actual cause of the problem.

Problematic Bearing

A faulty bearing can cause a lot of problems in a washing machine, including loud banging noises during the spin cycle.

The bearing is responsible for allowing the drum to rotate smoothly, and if it is damaged or worn out, it can cause the drum to become unstable and make a loud banging noise.

Check the transit bolts

Transit bolts, also known as shipping pins, are often used to secure the drum of a washing machine during transportation to prevent damage.

If the pins are not removed after the machine has been installed, it can cause the machine to make a banging noise.

To fix the problem, the shipping pins need to be removed, and the machine needs to be leveled properly to ensure that the drum can spin evenly.

Problematic U-Joint

U-Joint is a crucial component in the machine, as it helps the agitator move back and forth during the wash cycle.

If the U-joint is damaged or broken, the agitator won’t move properly, causing the washer to make a weird noise.

A possible solution for this is to replace the U-joint in order to get your washer running smoothly again.

Check for stuck objects

Another possibility is that something is stuck between the drum that is rubbing against the neighboring component during the spin cycle.

It can be a worn-out screw or a broken body part on the inside of the washer.

To fix this, pause the cycle and empty the wash drum of any loads.

Next, try to search for any suspicious objects inside the tub.

If you are unable to see anything visibly, simply rotate the washing machine’s tub with your hands to listen for any noises.

If the drum makes noise, you will need to remove the drum and check the noise source.

So, either remove the outer washer panels to access the drum or simply call a service professional to get it fixed.

Try using a different cycle

If you’re washing lighter items, going for a gentler cycle may help avoid that banging noise.

The thing is, sometimes the washer can spin too fast for delicate fabrics, which can cause the drum to become imbalanced and create that annoying banging sound.

So, if you pick the right cycle, the drum will spin more evenly and may help to reduce or even eliminate the banging sound.

Check if it’s still under warranty

If your washer is making a loud noise for unexplained reasons, check if it’s still under warranty so that it can either be repaired or replaced.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of the washing machine manufacturer, in most cases, a banging during the spin cycle is usually due to uneven loading, overloading of clothing, stuck objects inside, an unlevel washer, or a loose drum.

You can start with basic troubleshooting like checking the inside of the washer for visible obstructions and redistributing the load inside the drum for a better balance.

Also, you can give it a try by selecting different wash settings and see if it helps.

If that does not work, remove the load and manually turn the drum with your hand and see if you hear any noise.

If you still hear noise due to unexplained reasons, it’s best to consult a professional technician for further inspection and repairs.

Manish Singh is an expert in electrical engineering with a Diploma in the field. With over 12 years of experience, he specializes in repairing music systems, washing machines, dryers, and other laundry-related appliances. His in-depth knowledge in electrical repairs and decent knowledge about garment care makes him a trusted authority in the field of appliance repair and laundry related topics. If you have any questions or need assistance with your appliances, you can reach out to Manish through email: manish.singh (at)